
Entropy meaning
Entropy meaning

entropy meaning

Therefore increase in someones liberty or allowance or freedom is equal to increasing the entropy which consequently results in the the reduction of someones anger or in other words cooling down temperature such as reduction in the anger of innocent people put in prison while they are released.

entropy meaning

reducing liberty or putting ban on someones freedom and this ban can produce an anger and in the terminology of thermodynamics, this anger can be imagined as temperature. We can imagine energy of young or old people as their enthalpy which is in a sense also indicative of their desire of liberty or freedom, while limiting or reducing someones liberty is analogous to reducing someones entropy i.e. This example from social lives of humans may not show any resemblance with physics sub topic of thermodynamics and its terms such as entropy and enthalpy but this example has a sure analogy (resemblance) with these terms. They always wanted to play and run fast therefore they wanted permissions from their parents to participate in sports that could even harm them so they wanted more allowances, liberties and freedoms from their parents, because such allowances are demand of their energy. Explanation of terms entropy and enthalpy which are related to physics sub topic of thermodynamics using analogy (resemblance) from social lives of humans, thus below is the explanation.Ī group of young friends in the peak of their youth is very energetic and needs a large play ground to play football or hockey etc, while, when the same group of friends becomes old they become less energetic and then they only need a corner in a small coffee shop to sit together and remember the days of their youth, the memories of those days when they were more energetic and they always wanted to wander here and there.

Entropy meaning